most likely, you were not cleopatra (and other things to know before a past life reading)
it's safe to say that as humans we're at times fairly resolute in our dedication - ten toes down - to what is not meant for us.
relationships, jobs, mindsets, though be it sticky, difficult to navigate, frustrating, never-changing; we stay in these loops because the familiarity of the dysfunction feels natural.
what we "should" do.
terrified to evolve. to change our minds. to embrace an unfamiliar yet very intuitive authenticity. to lean into possibility. to appear in the world in a new way.
it’s almost like... we've been this way forever.
what's the risk in repeating these patterns of comfort?
to maintain a status quo. to uphold a sense of personal safety.
to grip on tight to this familiarity even though it's not working.
yet, there is a call from within to change. an intuitive feeling that there is something more, something different, something that we came here to do. something that gets us closer to our highest potential + path.
where is it coming from?
what does it want us to know?
when you're exploring metaphysical resources + support across multiple modalities, one of the more humbling experiences you'll have is that patterns have a way of making themselves extremely known.
your spirit guides want you to win. they want you to clear that karma, to overcome blocks and boundaries, to release those limitations that you came here with...
so you don't have to do this same thing again, next time.
past life readings are an unbelievable resource to unlock your highest potential by giving us a glimpse at a lifetime that we’ve already experienced; a mirror to those repeated behavioral patterns, relationship dynamics, vices, + how they may have worked - or not - in a previous timeline.
to understand possible outcomes based on how they have already played out for us, allowing us to make different + better choices this time around.
it’s also an opportunity to show ourselves compassion for making difficult decisions, or gratitude for stepping into our authenticity, as difficult as it may be.
these readings are especially healing as they offer a new perspective on who we are, seeing ourselves now + before, who we’ve been but most importantly, who we could be.
in my own life, i've often struggled with issues surrounding self-value.
if it was easy, it wasn't mine.
if it was effortless, it wasn't mine.
i desired struggle, complication. i wanted to feel like i "earned" it.
whether through work, or friendships, family, romantic prospects, i found it difficult to be in a mode of receiving; to accept things that i didn't in some way work for, or that there weren't levels of complication.
so if there were no hurdles, i loved to create them.
i was the drama.
healers + readers have made extremely specific notes about this over the years but one in particular resonated.
"there's a timeline coming through that looks like the movie the secret garden... and it feels sad," said my akashic records guide. "you should get that checked out. what's meant for you now + here, you may not believe is possible until you clear this up this old life."
in seeking a past life reading, my aim was to explore that theme of self-worth so prevalent in this one.
melissa nierman, founder of nowage travel, served as my guide as we set an intention to be brought to a former lifetime that would help me to uncover critical origins of this value wound.
the intention served as a call to action: "let us see a life that is helpful for you to navigate current challenges, and, let us appear at a part in this life that you can see something specific to your journey."
and immediately, when she brought me directly to the victorian era, i actually laughed out loud. here i was, in the secret garden, for all to be revealed.
there’s a few factors that make these readings multi-faceted in approach.
in this particular type of reading, the start is set with an intention to energetically “match” the querent’s strongest aura color. for me, the color that came up was an emerald green, signaling to me we were going to be anchoring to issues related to the heart chakra (love, compassion, balance, inner peace)
melissa - who goes into a trance state + narrates this experience - then explored a particular lifetime, “fast forwarding” to segments that she believes would particularly resonate to explorations in this one.
and finally, the reading ends with a clairvoyant message about current realities. what came up for me felt like a strong tie-in to explorations of changing identity.
this serves as a fantastic integration of past meets present.
most likely, you were not cleopatra.
someone out there was! so there’s always a chance...
but realistically, the life you'll be brought to was more ordinary.
and, if being brought to experience this more ordinary life is stirring up any feelings for you - disappointment, boredom, wistfulness - perhaps that is inspiration for navigating emotions around your current circumstances, and how in this lifetime you feel drawn to something bigger.
often the periods within this life that you will explore appear as they represent a relevant juncture or choice that resonates for you in this moment of your current life.
consider this an invitation to approach that same situation with a new way of thinking, a tenderness for the path or decisions you’ve made to get here, gratitude for the ability to have resources in this lifetime that ensured a different outcome, a radically different solution.
the most beautiful gift to give yourself coming out of the knowledge of experiencing a past life is compassion and deeper love of the self in this one.
eerie resemblances to current family structures, relationships, jobs, even music choices may come up; this is definitely by design.
these similar-feeling storylines are helpful as they are being mirrored to us in the present for a reason, and their resonance confirms it is you at your core.
they serve to ask you to bear witness to the feelings or thoughts that come up when it's you watching yourself. how would “you” have done it differently?
what emotions are arising based on how things unfolded for you then? how would you apply those learnings immediately to this life?
how can these learnings give you the power to more compassionately assist + hold yourself up in the present?
there’s a bit of humor + humility attached to this type of experience.
in addition to all of the deep, meaningful messages + confirmations that came through for me, i also got to laugh at my self.
particular nuanced behaviors - say, the very specific ways in which i flirted with a butler from my mother’s house in that lifetime - were signals that who you are at your core, your idiosyncrasies, your unique propositions are deeply transcendent.
with the right reader, you will be brought to know what you are meant to hear or know, and in a capacity that is beneficial.
for good reason, it’s natural to have at least somewhat of a sense of trepidation about a reader recalling a life to you without your control or discretion over the presented narrative.
since experiences or trauma could have been repeated in this life, fear that a trigger could be onset by hearing about a similar incident is completely empathized by an ethical guide.
serving as a "neutral mirror," without judgment, the right reader will convey what they see, authentically, carefully, + with respect to lives past and present.
when you have serious hang-ups in the current reality, they have transcended space + time to come here with you.
think of it as your soul's desire to try it again, and differently - although it’s human nature to repeat what's known, and what resonates as feeling “safe,” this is unfinished karmic business that wants to be cleared.
past life readings illuminate what you already know in your gut isn’t right; probably because you lived it before, and psychically don’t want to repeat the same “mistakes.”
just like in any other life, you have free will in this one. what you do with it is up to you.
if there’s a particular mindset, behavioral pattern, or emotional block that you know is keeping you back, a past life reading can be the unexpected unlock you need to move forward.
taking away the pressures of the external world to go in, to explore what knowledge you carry from timelines before, + to allow the vision of how you appear to yourself is a beautiful exercise in compassion.
it is perhaps the permission you need to trust yourself fully in making life-changing choices, + to live as authentically possible in this life.
give yourself time to process what comes up.
a few days after our reading, melissa sent me the recording with a note: “clairvoyant readings really speak to our unconscious mind and sometimes our conscious mind needs a little time to catch up. but that’s also why they have so much potential for healing and transformation.”
revisiting what came up emotionally, what changes or confirmations you have integrated into your daily life since, knowing where you are comfortable to push the boundaries of what had felt “safe;” all beautiful touch points to keep coming back to as you navigate your personal journey.
for additional information on past life readings, or to explore your own history with melissa, please contact NowAge Travel.